Hi my name is Mark White. I am the Managing Director of Chivalry.
Chivalry has been a long time in coming and I thought you may be interested why I decided to change the name from Voip IT and Western Computers to Chivalry. Chivalry is more than a company name, to me it is a way of living, it is something that I believe encourages me to be a better man, and in turn I hope it also encourages my team. In its essence it is a force that pushes us to try harder to be a better boss, a better husband, a better friend…a better man.
I have always loved the Knights of old, their great exploits, their code of honor, a battle to enter, a damsel in distress and a God to believe in.
As part of my journey in creating the name I have a sword hanging in my office with a shield lovingly made by my wife titled Mark the Dragon Slayer. This has been hanging there for over 15 years now, quietly waiting for me to step up.
Voip IT, I thought, was a clever left brained idea – it stands for Voice over internet protocol and the concept was saying that we do Voice, Internet and IT …it just did not stick…people constantly mis pronounced the name, and it quite simply was cold.
So here I was wrestling with the name, sword hanging by my side, trying the best I can to be a decent human being, a great father, a loving husband, and that infamous night came….
We had been invited to a customer’s home that we had provided a complete internet and WiFi solution for, he was thanking all the trades that assisted in his build. My wife was driving, and all the car parks were full. There was a grassed area and she asked me should I park over there…I said yes.
As soon as she parked, I had that sinking feeling that we would not be able to get out of there. I sat in the driver’s seat and behold! Wheels spinning, no traction. I said, “It should be ok, there are a lot of four-wheel drive vehicles here surely someone should be able to tow us out.” We enjoyed the evening and as I met people, I would ask …are you able to tow us out?
No one was willing or did not have a tow rope to do so. The host finally came to our rescue. The three of us head out to the car…then it came out of my mouth: “My wife was driving of course!…”
When we were on our way my wife looks at me and asks, “Why did you throw me under the bus?” Oh my gosh ..first instinct fight, then I caught myself and I apologized …I felt stink …why was I so unchivalrous?
It was like an epiphany, a light shone from heaven as I tried to pull my dubious character up from out of the pit as I wrestled with my own humanity. I continued to wrestle for a few months, thinking I was not good enough until the day came where I thought “That is a good reason why I should choose the name rather than not.”
So that was it, the name Chivalry was chosen and here it is in marketplace.
Considerate and courteous
Respectful and Kind
We will treat your precious data with the utmost respect as if it was our own.
We will do our best to shield it for you providing you solid back up and protection solutions.
Chivalry not just a name but a way of life!